Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I lied.

Okay, I played some .05-.10 limit today. Man...talk about getting sucked out on. I stuck with it for a while and managed to escape only down a bit (down less than what I was up yesterday @ .02-.04).

I am having an absolutely HORRIBLE April. I've probably donked off over 60% of my bankroll in April. It's starting to bounce back A BIT, but it will be a while before it's back to where it was in March.

The important thing is that I'm still enjoying playing. Sure, there are those hands where you just scream out "What the fuck was that guy thinking?!?!?!" as he chases his one-outer to the river and catches, but I usually just make sure that I fold the next couple hands after that unless they are absolute monsters and shake it off. Prevents tilting.

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